Friday, March 20, 2020

Mechanical Engineering essays

Mechanical Engineering essays Since I can remember I have always been interested in automobiles. When I was young however I wasnt to sure how I wanted to use that interested and make a career out of it. I juggled around a few ideas: bus driver, gas station employee, taxi driver, etc. It wasnt until I got older however that I realized how low down those jobs were. So I looked around to find a higher-class job that paid more money. My older brother mentioned to me about Mechanical Engineering and designing cars. Of course that would be the perfect career for me, decent pay, easy job, and for me it would be an enjoyable job. Besides designing cars a Mechanical Engineer can do many different jobs. Their takes may include researching, developing, designing, manufacturing, and testing mechanical devices, such as engines, machines, and other mechanical devices. Many times Engineers of this field will use computer programs like CAM and CAD to help them design many of their projects. There are several Engineers working in agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, and government positions. For a person to get into this field it is usually required to go to college for four years or more depending on the exact position you would like. People going into this career path need to have skills in math, science, and be able to work well with you your mind. People in this field need to be able to solve complex problems as well being able to apply math equations. The job outlook from now til 2010 is to grow as machinery becomes more complex and harder to understand. In 2000 Mechanical Engineering held about 221,000 jobs. Most of the positions held were in the manufacturing industry. As far as salary goes it depends on experience and education. It is usually necessary for you to have 5 years experience making it hard to get into this career field. Bachelors degree 48,426, masters degree 55,994, and Ph.D. 72,096. The average salary however ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How To Say Let in Spanish

How To Say Let in Spanish Let is one of those English words that can be translated numerous ways in Spanish, because let itself has numerous meanings. Take the example of translating Let me write that down to Spanish. One possibility say, Quiero apuntar eso, which has a literal meaning of I want to write that down. If you wish a more precise translation and indeed are seeking permission to take notes, use Dà ©jame apuntar eso or Dà ©jeme apuntar eso, depending on whether you are speaking in the familiar or formal second person, respectively. Dejar is the most common verb meaning to allow, so what youre saying is allow me to write that down. What is important when translating from one language to another is to look for the meaning of what you want to say and translate that rather than attempting to translate words. You simply cannot translate let the same way all the time. And if what you mean by let is I want to, then just say the equivalent of that - its much simpler! Choices for Translating ‘Let’ A few of the verbs you can use to translate let or phrases that use let include liberar (to let go), alquilar (to rent out), avisar (to let someone know), soltar (to let go), fallar (to let down or disappoint), perdonar (to let somebody off, to excuse) and cesar (to let up). It all depends on the meaning of what youre trying to say. And, of course, in English we use let to form first-person plural commands, as in lets leave or lets sing. In Spanish, that meaning is expressed in a special verb form (the same as the first-person plural subjunctive), as in salgamos and cantemos, respectively. Finally, Spanish sometimes uses que followed by a verb in the subjunctive to form an indirect command that can be translated using let, depending on the context. Example: Que vaya à ©l a la oficina. (Have him go to the office, or let him go to the office.) Sample Sentences Here are sentences illustrating possible translations for let: El gobierno cubano liberà ³ al empresario. (The Cuban government let the entrepreneur go.)Dà ©jele hablar sin interrupcià ³n. (Let him speak without interruption.)Te comunicaremos si algo ha cambiado. (Well let you know if anything has changed.)Los captores soltaron a los rehenes a las cuatro de la madrugada. (The captors let the hostages free at 4 a.m.)Me fallaba muchà ­simo. (He let me down a lot.)Vive y dejar vive. (Live and let live.)A mi no me decepciona nadie porque no espero nada de nadie. Nobody lets me down because I dont expect anything from anybody.Mis padres alquilaron un piso en 2013 por 400 euros por semana. (My parents let out a floor in 2013 for 400 euros weekly.) ¡Me deja en paz! (Let me be alone!)Avà ­same si no puedes hacerlo. (Let me know if you cant do it.)Por fin aflojà ³ la ira de la tormenta. (The fury of the storm finally let up.)Hay ciertos amigos a los que no quiero dejar entrar en mi casa. (There are some friends I dont want to let into my house.)D esde entonces, se desmejorà ³ y crecià ³ su abatimiento fà ­sico y moral. (Since then, he let himself go and sank deeper physically and morally.)